===== F-algebra ===== ==== Collection ==== | @#55CCEE: context | @#55CCEE: $F$ in ${\bf C}\longrightarrow{\bf C}$ | | @#FFBB00: definiendum | @#FFBB00: $\langle A,\alpha\rangle$ in $\text{it}$ | | @#55EE55: postulate | @#55EE55: $\alpha:{\bf C}[FA,A]$ | ==== Discussion ==== Think types $\mathrm{a}$ and $\alpha$'s of type type Algebra f a = f a -> a === Example === The following examples assume that ${\bf C}$ contains all the relevant ingredients (e.g. products). * Addition of natural numbers is a binary relation: $+:\mathbb{N}\times\mathbb{N}\to\mathbb{N}$. Hence $\langle \mathbb{N},+\rangle$ is an $F$-algebra for the endofunctor with object map $FX:=X\times X$. * Fix a monoid $M$. A monoid action on $X$ is a map $\alpha:M\times X\to X$, so consider $FX:=M\times X$. Incidentally, $\langle \mathbb{N},+\rangle$ can also be viewed as an $F$-algebra for $M=\mathbb{N}$. === Reference === Wikipedia: [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/F-algebra|F-algbera]] ==== Parents ==== === Context === [[Endofunctor]]