===== Foundational temp formal power series ===== | [[Foundational temp4 ]] $\succ$ Foundational temp formal power series $\succ$ [[]] | ==== Guide ==== >**formal power series** >Probably must come only after group/ring/etc. >(objects of study of abstract algebra) >Q: how far back can analysis be pushed? >>note that all formal power series are differentiable Idea: Abstract theory of sequences $(a_n)_n,(b_n)_n\in X^{\mathbb N}$ with main objects of interests being * Realizations and Evaluations, i.e. maps in $X^{\mathbb N}\to Z$ (e.g. formal power series to functions and their evaluations) * Transformations $T$, i.e. maps in $X^{\mathbb N}\to Z^{\mathbb N}$ (Fourier transform on component level) * Binary mappings $B$, i.e. maps in $X^{\mathbb N}\times Y^{\mathbb N}\to Z^{\mathbb N}$ (e.g. Cauchy product) In particular, consider for a strcutre $\langle M,\cdot\rangle$ where $\sum_{i=0}^\infty$ is somehow defined and $a_n,b_n,B_k^{n,m}\in M$ $T(b)_k^n:=\sum_{m=0}^\infty B_k^{n,m}\cdot b_m$ $B(a,b)_k=\sum_{n=0}^\infty a_n\cdot T_k^n(b)$ i.e. $B(a,b):=\sum_{n=0}^\infty\sum_{m=0}^\infty B_k^{n,m}\cdot a_n \cdot b_m$ ----- === Sequel of === [[Foundational temp4]] === Related === [[Foundational temp4]]