===== Fréchet derivative chain rule ===== ==== Theorem ==== | @#55CCEE: context | @#55CCEE: $X,Y,Z$ ... Banach spaces with topology | | @#55CCEE: context | @#55CCEE: $f\in C(X,Y)$ | | @#55CCEE: context | @#55CCEE: $g\in C(Y,Z)$ | | @#55EE55: postulate | @#55EE55: $ D(g\circ f)=(Dg)\circ f\ \cdot\ Df $ | where $\circ$ denotes the concatenation of functions of $X,Y$, which is taken to bind stronger than the concatenation $\cdot$ of linear operators. ==== Discussion ==== For functions in $f,g: \mathbb R\to\mathbb R$, this of course reads ^ $\frac{\partial}{\partial x}g(f(x))=g'(f(x))\cdot f'(x)$ ^ === Reference === Wikipedia: [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chain_rule|Chain rule]], [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chain_rule_%28disambiguation%29|Chain rule (disambiguation)]] ==== Parents ==== === Context === [[Fréchet derivative]]