===== Functor ===== ==== Collection ==== | @#55CCEE: context | @#55CCEE: ${\bf C},{\bf D}$ ... category | | @#FFBB00: definiendum | @#FFBB00: $F$ in ${\bf C}\longrightarrow{\bf D}$ | | @#FF8866: rule | @#FF8866: ${\large\frac{ A\ :\ {\bf C} }{ FA\ :\ {\bf D} }}$ | | @#FF8866: rule | @#FF8866: ${\large\frac{ f\ :\ {\bf C}[A,\,B] }{ F(f)\ :\ {\bf D}[FA,\,FB] }}$ | | @#55EE55: postulate | @#55EE55: @#88DDEE: $F\,1_A=1_{FA}$ | | @#55EE55: postulate | @#55EE55: @#88DDEE: $F(f\circ g)=F(f)\circ F(g)$ | ----- === Discussion === A function $f:C\to D$ maps a set of things $C=\{a,b,c,\dots\}$ into another set of things $D=\{f(a),f(b),f(c),\dots,\dots\}$ (remark: some of the listed elements in $D$ might be equal and $D$ might also be larger as the range of $f$). Let's write $C$ as $\{1_a,1_b,1_c,\dots\}$, which is just a formal relabeling. A category ${\bf C}$ is richer than a set $C$: 1. There is not only a collection of special elements $1_a,1_b,1_c,\dots$, but also, for each ordered pair of those (such as $\langle 1_a,1_c\rangle$) there is a whole new collection of elements that's also in ${\bf C}$. 2. Each element knows of two other elements. I.e. there is a domain and codomain function and these assignments should be obvious form the construction above. 3. There is a "non-total monoid" $\circ$, with the special elements as it's units. It's like a monoid, except it's generally only partially defined, where the domain and codomain function tell you which concatenations make sense (e.g. $1_a\circ 1_b$ only has a value if $a=b$). A functor is a function that respects $\circ$ in the sense of a monoid-homomorphism. (Point of view of universal constructions: If the graph given by the objects and arrows in the domain category is thought of as "a concept", then the image of a functor is the realization of that concepts within the codomain category.) === Definitions === Note that functors can be composed to obtain new functors: $(F\circ G)A:=F(GA)$, $(F\circ G)(f):=F(G(f))$. === Plebsplaination === If you have a set [math]S[/math] and some maps id : S -> S f : S -> S g : S -> S h : S -> S on it, i.e. [math] id \in S^S [/math] [math] f \in S^S [/math] [math] g \in S^S [/math] [math] h \in S^S [/math] then they form a monoid where the multiplication is function concatenation [math] \circ [/math] : [math] g \circ f \in S^S [/math] [math] h \circ g \in S^S [/math] [math] f \circ id = f [/math] etc. A set valued functor [math] F [/math] acting on those maps is a homomorphism in that the concatenation [math] \circ' [/math] of the new maps [math] F(id), F(f), F(g), F(h), ... [/math] on the set (which may call [math] FS [/math]) are given by the old concatenation F(f) : FS -> FS and [math] F(f) \circ' F(g) := F(f \circ g) [/math] A general functor of sets is now exactly this, except we don't necessarily require that we only deal with a single set S but instead the domain and codomain of the maps may be different. If f : X -> Y g : Y -> Z then [math] g \circ f : X \to Z [/math] and a functor is still able to map them [math] Ff : FX \to FY [/math] [math] Fg : FY \to FZ [/math] [math] F(g \circ f) : FX \to FZ [/math] where [math] F(g \circ f) = F(g) \circ' F(f) [/math] Form a topos perspective, the most important functor may be the hom functor for a set T which takes domains/codomains S to the set of function [math] S^T [/math] and which maps maps [math] f : X \to Y [/math] to maps [math] F(f) : FX \to FY [/math] i.e. [math] F(f) : X^T \to Y^T [/math] which work as follows: If you have two functions [math] x : T \to X [/math], [math] y : T \to Y [/math], i.e. [math] x \in X^T [/math], [math] y \in Y^T [/math] and if [math] f : X \to Y [/math] note [math] f \circ x : T \to Y [/math] and then [math] F(f) : X^T \to Y^T [/math] given by [math] F(f)(x) := f \circ x [/math] The point is that you make functions f between sets into function F(f) between function spaces. Those are morally better objects because properties like „homomorphism“ and „continuous“ (which algebra and topology is really about) is not a property of the elements of sets, but of functions between set. Algebraic topology and many cohomology theories are about using such a homomorphism F (of a non-total monoid, i.e. of a cateogry) to pass from a world of topological spaces to a world of algebraic objects. Topos theory is about realizing this insight and defining topology (and even stuff like differential geometry) in an algebraic way in the first place. I feel there is no simple and comprehensive into, if you're a mathematican maybe it comes naturally after ring theory (not my thing) here are some directions Categories_for_the_Working_Mathematician, Mac Lane (abstract algebra) Simmons - Introduction to Category Theory (algebra, strange but with pictures) Awodey - Category_theory-Oxford_University_Press,_USA (Comp-Sci, more modern) Robert_Goldblatt - Topoi_The_Categorial_Analysis (logic, the simplest intro do categories, but it introduces functor very late and beyond page 150 it's higher order logic) Sheaves_in_geometry_and_logic - Saunders_MacLane, Ieke_Moerdijk (topos theory, not a good starting point) ----- === Requirements === [[Category theory]]