===== KfV . note ===== ==== Driver Assistent System Influence Model ==== === Quantities of interest === * $n(t)$ ... (measured, known) number accidents per year $t\in{\mathbb N}$ * $n^\mathrm{max}(t)$ ... (unknown) number accidents that would happen without a particular driver assistant systems. As the system prevent some accidents, we have $n(t) < n^\mathrm{max}(t)$. * $n_\mathrm{prev}(t) = n^\mathrm{max}(t) - n(t)$ ... (unknown) number of accidents of $n^\mathrm{max}(t)$, that were prevented, resulting in $n(t)$ * $n_\mathrm{prev}^\mathrm{max}(t)$ ... (unknown) number of accidents of $n^\mathrm{max}(t)$, that would be prevented if every car had implemented said system. * $p := \dfrac{ n_\mathrm{prev}^\mathrm{max}(t) }{ n^\mathrm{max}(t) }$ ... (guess, tested) potential of the system. * $C(t)$ (known) number of cars on the street * $C^*(t)$ (partially known) number of cars on the street that have implemented the assistance system. For each system, there was a time $t^*$ when when $C^*(t^*)=0$ * $x(t)=\dfrac{C^*(t)}{C(t)}$ ... (partially known) distribution of the driver assistance system. * $p^\mathrm{eff}(t) := \dfrac{ n_\mathrm{prev}(t) }{ n^\mathrm{max}(t) }$ ... (unknown) effective potential of the system. == note: Risk == [Analysis Method for Accident and Injury Risk Studies]: We know the number of accidents $n$ (terminated trips), but have not much information about the number of all car trips $t>>n$ taken (trips at risk). The ratio $R=n/t$ is called accident "risk" and the potentials $p$ thus also quantifies ratios of risks. Similar to potentials, accident risks may be partitioned according to causes. In any case, as long as we don't have access to t, we can't quantify risks as such. Neither do we have information of trip length, in time or space, at accidents ("densities"). The ratio $n/(t-n)$, i.e. accidents vs. non-accidents of all trips, is called "odds". Other ratios considered are e.g. n over population or n over cars in use. Those are all called "rate" of some form. === Mitigation and Worsening === Let $M(t)=1-p^\mathrm{eff}$ We have $M(t)\,n^\mathrm{max}(t) = \left(1-\dfrac{ n_\mathrm{prev}(t) }{ n^\mathrm{max}(t) }\right)n^\mathrm{max}(t) = n^\mathrm{max} - n_\mathrm{prev}(t) = n(t)$ Thus $M(t)$ represents the **mitigation** factor, taking the worse case number of accidents $n^\mathrm{max}(t)$ to the real number $n(t)$. Furthermore, let $W(t) := \dfrac{1}{M(t)} = \dfrac{1}{1-p^\mathrm{eff}}$ denote the **worsening** factor, so that $W(t)\, n(t) = n^\mathrm{max}(t)$ As $n(t)$ can be empirically available, evaluation of $W(t)$ will be more relevant than of $M(t)$. === The simplest model for p^eff === The distribution $x(t)\le 1$ affects the effective potential. W.r.o.g., we may let $p^\mathrm{eff} = \Sigma(t)\,x(t)\,p$ where $\Sigma(t)\in(0,1)$ captures all other effects that negatively effect the effective potential. In the following, we'll assume the reduced distribution is the only reason for a reduced potential, i.edeviation(t)=1$. Thus $W(t) := \dfrac{1}{1-x(t)\,p}$ Using the geometric series $\frac{1}{1-z}=\sum_{k=0}z^k$, we may look at an approximation $W(t) \approx 1 + x(t)\,p + \left(x(t)\,p\right)^2 $ We can furthermore consider the expansion of the $W(t)$ in $t$ at $t^*$, where $x(t^*)=0$. $W(t) \approx 1+x'(t^*)\,p\,(t-t^*)+\left(1+\beta\right)\cdot\left(x'(t^*)\,p\,(t-t^*)\right)^2$ with $\beta=\dfrac{1}{2}\dfrac{1}{p}\dfrac{x''(t^*)}{x'(t^*)}$ === Linear distribution model === In the following, let the distribution $d$ be known/measured to have the values $x^{**}$ at a time $t^{**}$. Define a linear transformation $s(t)=\dfrac{t-t^*}{t^{**}-t^*}$, It's chosen so that $s=0$ correspond to the introduction and $s=1$ to the evaluation of the distribution. The linear model for $d$ reads $x(t)=\begin{cases} 0 &\hspace{.5cm} \mathrm{if} \hspace{.5cm} tt^{**}$ the approximation must somehow start to become flat. This is improved on below. As $x''(t)=0$ and thus $\beta=0$ for a second order expansion of $W(t)$ above, we get $W(t) \approx 1 + p\,x^{**}\,s(t) + (p\,x^{**}\,s(t))^2$ === Systems of driver assistance systems === Consider now a whole set of systems indexed by $I=\{\mathrm{FAS}_1, \mathrm{FAS}_2,\dots,\mathrm{FAS}_m\}$ Assuming no two systems correlate, we get $W(t)=\prod_{i=1}^m\dfrac{1}{1-x_i(t)\,p_i}$ Let's look at a systems that shares the times $t^*$ and $t^{**}$. If we consider the linear approximations for $x_i(t)$, we can get the closed form series expression $W(t)=\sum_{k=0}^\infty b_k s(t)^k$ where $b_0=1$ $b_1=\sum_{i=1}^mp_i$ $b_2=\sum_{i\le j}^mp_ip_j$ $b_3=\sum_{i\le j < k}^mp_ip_jp_k$ etc. Proof scetch by induction: $\dfrac{1}{1-x}=1+x+x^2+\dots$ $\dfrac{1}{1-x}\dfrac{1}{1-y}=(1+x+x^2+\dots)\cdot(1+y+y^2+\dots)=1+(x+y)+(x^2+xy+y^2)+\dots$ $\dfrac{1}{1-x}\dfrac{1}{1-y}\dfrac{1}{1-z}=(1+(x+y)+(x^2+xy+y^2)+\dots)\cdot(1+z+z^2+\dots)=\dots$ etc. === Time evolution of the system distribution === Warmup: The logistic differential equation $x'(t) = k \cdot x(t) \, \left( K - x(t) \right)$ is e.g used to model the growth of bacteria density $x(t)$ where there's a maximal capacity $x(\infty)=K$. The proportionality factor $k \cdot x(t)$ says the grows is proportional to what's already there and the second factor $K - x(t)$ makes sure $x(t)$ can't grow beyond $K$. The solutions become flat at infinity, but the initial growth is also starting at minus infinity. For normed distributions, $K=1$. A more realistic class of models for the distribution of assistance systems, that combines the constant (zero) initial value, then an initial linear growth (unlike the logistic function) and a slow flattening, appears to be $x(t)=x^*$ for $t\le t^*$. $x'(t)=A(t)\,(1-x(t-t^*))^{1-q}$ for $t> t^*$ for some real $q$. The function $A(t)$ maybe represents the product attractiveness of the system and $1-x(t-t^*)$ are the fraction of drivers at $t-t^*$ which haven't implemented the system product. The equation makes senses in as far as only those drivers can make the distribution of $d$ grow (and there is no reproduction that would depend on the existing distribution $x(t)$, as in the logistic model). At the introduction of the system, this model makes for a linear rise for small $t>t^*$ and a flattening $x'(\infty)=0$. We will assume a constant attractiveness $A$. The differential equation is solved by $x(t)=1-\left((1-x^*)^q-q\,A\cdot(t-t^*)\right)^\frac{1}{q}$ We'll take a look at the model with $q\mapsto 0$, in which case we have $x(t)=1-(1-x^*)\,{\mathrm e}^{-A\cdot(t-t^*)}$ {{ http://i.imgur.com/YLFD2Ha.png?X400}} This is the same functional behavior as as resistor voltage step-response in an RL circuit. The linearization for small $t>t^*$ equals $x(t)\approx x^* + A(t^*)\cdot(t-t^*)$. == Second boundary condition == If $x(t^{**})=x^{**}$, then $A=\dfrac{1}{t^{**}-t^*}\log\left(\dfrac{1-x^*}{1-x^{**}}\right)\approx\dfrac{1}{1-x^*}\dfrac{x^{**}-x^*}{t^{**}-t^*}$ and $x(t)=1-(1-x^*)\left(\dfrac{1-x^{**}}{1-x^*}\right)^{s(t)}$ Indeed, for this function $x(t^*)=1-(1-x^*)\cdot 1=x^*$ $x(t^{**})=1-(1-x^*)\dfrac{1-x^{**}}{1-x^*}=x^{**}$. **Example** for $t^*=2$ and $x^*=0$, $t^{**}=5$ and $x^{**}=0.7$: https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=1+-+(1+-+0.7)%5E((t+-+2)%2F(5+-+2))+from+0+to+10 == For assistance systems == We will always have $x^*=0$, as a system can't have any effective potential before it's introduced, so $x(t) = 1-(1-x^{**})^{s(t)}$ Thus $W(t) := \dfrac{1}{1-x(t)\,p} = \dfrac{1}{1 - p + (1-x^{**})^{s(t)} p} = L + R$ which splits into the the know linear second order expansion $L = 1 + p\,x^{**}\,s(t) + (p\,x^{**}\,s(t))^2$ and then some other nonlinear correction terms $ R \approx (x^{**})^2 \,p\,\left((-p+\frac{1}{2}s)+(p-\frac{1}{2})s^2\right)+\dots$ (At this point the evaluation of the expansion will be more computationally expensiive than using the exact formula with the fraction and exponentials above.) === Summary === The presented model predicts that given a maximal potential $p$ for a system introduced at $t^*$ and with a distribution $x^{**}$ at $t^{**}$, the mitigation factor for $t\ge t^*$ giving the relation $n^\mathrm{max}(t)\,M(t) = n(t)$ is given by $M(t) = 1 - p + (1-x^{**})^{s(t)} p$ where $s(t)=\dfrac{t-t^*}{t^{**}-t^*}$ is a linear function. As should be, we have that $M(t\le t^*) = M(t^*) = 1-\left(1-\left(1-x^{**}\right)^{0}\right)p = 1$ $M(t^{**}) = 1-\left(1-\left(1-x^{**}\right)^1\right)p = 1 - x^{**}\,p$ $M(\infty) = 1-\left(1-0\right)p = 1-p $ Given the above data, the worsening $W(t):=\dfrac{1}{M(t)}$ can be used estimate a would be scenario from empirical accident data $n(t)$. === Stochastic deviation === We considered $p^\mathrm{eff}(t)=x(t)\,\Sigma(t)\,p$. Unknown effects $\Sigma(t)$ may be included in form of a stochastic deviation around the car distribution. We'll introduce a term $\propto\sigma\,{\mathcal W}_t$ to the time evolution of $p^\mathrm{eff}(t)$, where $\sigma$ is a positive real parameter, ${\mathcal W}_t$ a Wiener process and we must do it in such a way that $x(t)\,\Sigma(t)\in[0,1]$. To this end we take the differential equation $x'(t) = A\,(1-x(t))$ i.e. ${\mathrm d}x(t) = A\,(1-x(t))\,{\mathrm d}t$ with $A=-\dfrac{1}{t^{**}-t^*}\log(1-x^{**})$ to ${\mathrm d}X_t = A\,\left[(1-X_t)\,{\mathrm d}t+\sigma\,(4\,X_t\,(1-X_t))^r\,{\mathrm d}{\mathcal W}_t\right]$ with e.g. $r=\frac{1}{2}$. A expression $4\,X_t\,(1-X_t)\in[0,1]$ is a variation of the stochastic term of the Cox–Ingersoll–Ross-like differential equation (I added a quadratic factor in the distribution with the stochastic term so that it never exceeds $d=1$). This turns the worsening $W_t=\dfrac{1}{1-X_t\,p}$ into a stochastic processes. (Or rather a family of such processes, parametrized by $\sigma$ and the standard deviation of the Wiener process.) For related information, see the simpler Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process with the solution $X_{t-t^*} = 1-\exp(-A\,(t-t^*)) + \sigma\, {\mathrm e}^{-A\,(t-t^*)}\int_{t^*}^t{\mathrm e}^{+A\,(s-t^*)}\,{\mathrm d}{\mathcal W}_{t^*-s}$ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ornstein%E2%80%93Uhlenbeck_process) === Prediction for the ESP system === ** Example ** Here we have data for the **ESP** system, with a distribution of $x^{**}=0.68$ in the year 2014 and thus a slope $A\approx 0.0326$ according to the formula above. With an estimated (maximal) death reduction potential of $p = 0.34$, the ESP system is the one with the highest $p$ in the list. If all cars had it implemented, $34\%$ of potential deaths would be prevented. In other words, the worsening is $1/(1-0.34)=1.\dot{5}\dot{1}$, meaning if it was never introduced, there would be about $150\%$ as many deaths at this late time. Indeed, removing $34\%$ or those $150\%$ leaves us with the actual $100\%$. Therefore, in the model, we have a stochastic process eventually ending in $X_\infty=1.\dot{5}\dot{1}$. (This is something a linear, without arbitrary cutoff, can't be consistent with.) The second horizontal line is drawn at $x^{**}$, which intercepts with the $\sigma=0$ curve at $t=2014$. This model still assumes the car distribution eventually reaches 1. The stochastic differential equation, and thus the whole model, can easily be modified to tend towards a maximum $x^\infty<1$ by replacing both expressions $1 - X_t$ with $x^\infty - X_t$. In the following image, we compute $X_t$ and the associated $W_t$ for $\sigma\in \{0, \frac{1}{100}, \frac{4}{100}\}$ (=$\{0, 0.3, 0.7\}$ after a reparametrization wednesday night). The stochastic variation is implemented via monthly fluctuation, making for $35{\cdot}12$ jumps. The standard deviation of the Wiener process is chosen to be $1$. {{http://i.imgur.com/h2txu11.png?X700}} == Implementation == import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt p = 0.34 t_intr = 1995 t_meas = 2014 X_meas = 0.68 A = - np.log(1-X_meas) / (t_meas - t_intr) # equals 0.0326.. r = 1.0 / 2 # small r means smaller penalty on the sides of X=1/2 sigma_Wiener = 1.0 sigmas = [0.00, 0.3, 0.7] jumps_per_year = 12 t_star = t_intr t_stop = 2030 N = (t_stop - t_star) * jumps_per_year dt = (t_stop - t_star) / float(N) t = np.arange(t_star, t_stop, dt) X = np.zeros(N) W = np.ones(N) for sigma in sigmas: for i in xrange(1, t.size): capac = 1 - X[i-1] fluct = sigma * (4 * X[i-1] * capac)**r dW = np.random.normal(loc = 0.0, scale = sigma_Wiener) * np.sqrt(dt) X[i] = X[i-1] + A * (capac * dt + fluct * dW) W[i] = 1 / (1 - p * X[i]) plt.plot(t, X, label = "X, sigma: " + str(sigma)) plt.plot(t, W, label = "W, sigma: " + str(sigma)) plt.plot(t, np.ones(N), color = 'k') plt.plot(t, np.ones(N) * X_meas, color = 'k', label = "X_meas at " + str(X_meas)) plt.ylabel("Worsening W(t) and system distribution X(t)") plt.xlabel("Year") plt.legend(loc = 4) plt.show() == Abbreviations == === Reference === [[http://www.kfv.at/ | kfv.at]] ----- === Related === [[Nikolajs notebook]]