===== Prime enumeration =====
==== Function ====
| @#FF9944: definition | @#FF9944: $p : {\mathbb N}_+\to{\mathbb P}$ |
| @#FF9944: definition | @#FF9944: $p(1):=2$ |
| @#FF9944: definition | @#FF9944: $p(n+1):={\mathrm{min}}({\mathbb P}\setminus{X_n})$ |
| @#BBDDEE: with | @#BBDDEE: $X_n\equiv\{m\in{\mathbb P}\mid m\le p(n)\}$ |
=== Code ===
primes0 :: [Integer]
primes0 = filter prime0 [2..]
prime0 :: Integer -> Bool
prime0 n | n < 1 = error "not a positive integer"
| n == 1 = False
| otherwise = ld n == n
using [[Least divisor function]]:
divides :: Integral a => a -> a -> Bool
divides d n = rem n d == 0
ld :: Integral a => a -> a
ld n = ldf 2 n
ldf :: Integral a => a -> a -> a
ldf k n | divides k n = k
| k^2 > n = n
| otherwise = ldf (k+1) n
using [[Set of divisors function]]:
divides :: Integral a => a -> a -> Bool
divides d n = rem n d == 0
=== Element of ===
[[Bijective function]]
=== Requirements ===
[[Prime number]]
=== Code reference ===
[[Least divisor function]]