===== Todo =====
==== Meta ====
d = 3;
a = 5;
r = 1/3;
f[z_] = ((z + d)^a - d^a)^r;
Series[f[z], {z, 0, 6}]
>formal power series
>[[Tensor product]]
>[[ε-δ function limit]]
== Theormodyanmics ==
atm. there are only some notes under [[On phenomenological thermodynamics . Note]].
== topoi ==
>subobject classifier
>[[Base change functor]]
=== Topics ===
To solve
via fixedpoint iteration, one may consider the sequence
$g(x):=\dfrac{h(x)}{h(f(x))}\cdot f(x)$
should converge to it too and
may converge faster.
I saw this at [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Omega_constant#Computation | Omega_constant#Computation]] (Wikipedia) with $h(x):=1+x$.
=== Articles waiting to be created ===
//Type theory//
> [[Function type]]
> [[Dependent product type]] (for its use int the entry [[Category theory]])
//descrete math//
> [[multiset]]
//graph theory//
>[[source . graph theory]]/[[sink . graph theory]] of a graph - vertices where all adjacent edges are outgoing/ingoing
>[[directed acyclic graph]] - directed graph (connected?) without directed circle as subset
>[[Boolean circuit]] - directed acyclic graph where all non-sink/source vertices have either 1 or 2 ingoing vertices and there is a function assigning "$\neg$" to all of the former and another symbol (out of an alphbet "\land,\lor,\dots") to the latter.
> [[Polynomial time Turing machine]]
> [[Kleene star]]
//Set theory//
>supremum, bounds, etc.
mnmInt :: [Int] -> Int
mnmInt [] = error "empty list"
mnmInt [x] = x
mnmInt (x:xs) = min x (mnmInt xs)
//category theory//
> [[Set]]
> [[Category theory]]
> [[Hask]]
> several special arrows. In particular (for [[Natural isomorphism]])
> [[isomorphism . category theory]]
>- pullbacks + terminal object ⇒ equalizers + binary products
>- binary products + terminal object ⇒ all finite products
>- equalizers ⇒ all finite equalizers
>- finite products + finite equalizers ⇒ finitely complete (= all finite limits)
>- http://math.stackexchange.com/questions/591302/show-the-following-conditions-are-equivalent-for-a-category-c
// Number theory //
>[[prime-counting function]], see [[Riemann zeta function]], [[Offset logarithmic integral]]
//set theory, topology//
>[[Euclidean topology]]
// Analysis //
>TODO: make individual entries for models of ${\mathbb R},{\mathbb Q}$ and ${\mathbb C}$ and the entries called [[real numbers]], [[rational numbers]] and [[complex numbers]].
>[[Real coordinate space]]
>shift operator $T_a=\exp\left(a\frac{\partial}{\partial x}\right)$, and more generally http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lagrange_reversion_theorem
// Complex analysis //
>[[Complex argument]] (see [[Natural logarithm of complex numbers]])
>[[Continuously differentiable finite lines]] (see [[Complex line integral]])
>Zeidler QFT 1
>p. 515: Polchinsky equation
>p.514: reg $\int$
>p. 512: Weierstrass product Theorem (for entire functions) - discussion: that's an infinite generalization of the factoring w.r.t. roots of a function. Similarly, I think, the infinite partial fraction decomposition is given by the //Mittag-Leffler's theorem//.
// diffgeo, analysis //
>[[Differentiable manifold]]
>[[Total derivative]]
>[[Hamiltonian vector field]]
>[[Grand canonical partition function]]
>[[Quantum canonical partition function]]
>[[Classical Hamiltonian system]]
>[[Classical statistical ensemble]]
=== Related ===
[[Nikolajs notebook]]