===== Type equivalence ===== ==== Type ==== | $(A\simeq B) \equiv \Sigma_{f:A\to B}\ isequiv(f)$ | where $isequiv(f) \equiv \left(\Sigma_{g:B\to A}(f\circ g\sim id_B)\right) \times \left(\Sigma_{g:B\to A}(h\circ f\sim id_A)\right)$ where $(k\sim l)\equiv \Pi_{x:C} \left(k(x)=_{P(x)}l(x)\right)$ where $P:C\to U$ and $k,l: \Pi_{x:C}P(x)$. ==== Discussion ==== We see how equivalence of types $(A\simeq B)$ eventually comes down to equality of terms. (The univalence axiom then says that to find those term-equalities, one can construct an equivalence on of these terms.) This is in analogy to how [[my equivalence of categories|equivalences of categories]] (defined via natural isomorphisms) comes down to isomorphisms of objects. ==== Parents ==== === Requirements === [[Identity type]]