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analytic_function [2016/09/28 18:20]
analytic_function [2018/03/10 19:52]
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 A complex function $f(z)$ consists of two real functions, so it's fence height is just given by the sum of the fence heigh of $\mathrm{Re}\,​f(z)$ and $i\,​\mathrm{Im}\,​f(z)$. Let's consider the function $f(z):​=z=r\,​\cos\theta+i\,​r\,​\sin\theta$. We have  A complex function $f(z)$ consists of two real functions, so it's fence height is just given by the sum of the fence heigh of $\mathrm{Re}\,​f(z)$ and $i\,​\mathrm{Im}\,​f(z)$. Let's consider the function $f(z):​=z=r\,​\cos\theta+i\,​r\,​\sin\theta$. We have 
 Both real and imaginary part oscillate along $\theta$. So from the plots below alone it is obvious that the average fence height for $n\neq 0$ must be zero Both real and imaginary part oscillate along $\theta$. So from the plots below alone it is obvious that the average fence height for $n\neq 0$ must be zero
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