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empty_graph [2014/02/08 00:03]
empty_graph [2014/03/21 11:11]
Line 1: Line 1:
-===== Empty graph ===== 
-==== Set ==== 
-| @#88DDEE: $V$ ... set | 
-| @#FFBB00: $ \langle V,​\emptyset,​\psi\rangle = \mathrm{it}(V) $ | 
-| @#55EE55: $ \psi:​\emptyset\to\emptyset $ | 
-==== Discussion ==== 
-The empty graph on $V$ doesn'​t contain more information than the set $V$ itself. 
-==== Parents ==== 
-=== Subset === 
-[[Undirected graph]] 
Link to graph
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