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linear_representation_of_functions [2013/09/16 10:44]
linear_representation_of_functions [2014/03/21 11:11]
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-===== Linearization representation ===== 
-==== Theorem ==== 
-| $X,Y$ ... Banach spaces with topology | 
-| $f\in C(X,Y)$ | 
-| @#55EE55: $ f(x+y) = f(x) + \int_0^1\ Df(x+t\ y)\cdot y\ \mathrm d t $ | 
-==== Discussion ==== 
-^ $ f(x) = f(0) + \int_0^1\ Df(t\ x)\cdot x\ \mathrm d t $ ^ 
-=== Reference === 
-==== Parents ==== 
-=== Requirements === 
-[[Fréchet derivative]],​ [[Function integral]] 
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