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loop [2013/08/06 21:42]
nikolaj created
loop [2014/03/21 11:11]
Line 1: Line 1:
-===== Loop ===== 
-==== Definition ==== 
-| @#88DDEE: $X$ | 
-| @#55EE55: $ \langle X,* \rangle \in \text{Loop}(X)$ | 
-| @#88DDEE: $\langle X,* \rangle \in \mathrm{Quasigroup}(X)$ | 
-| @#DDDDDD: $a,​a^{-1}\in X$ | 
-| @#55EE55: $\forall a.\ \exists a^{-1}.\ (a*a^{-1}=a^{-1}*a=e)$ | 
-Here we used infix notation for "​$*$"​. 
-==== Ramifications ==== 
-=== Discussion === 
-The binary operation is often called //​multiplication//​. 
-The axioms $*\in \mathrm{binaryOp}(X)$ above means that a monoid is closed with respect to the multiplication. ​ 
-One generally calls $X$ the loop, i.e. the set where the operation "​$*$"​ is defined on. 
-==== Reference ==== 
-Wikipedia: [[http://​en.wikipedia.org/​wiki/​Quasigroup|Quasigroup]] 
-==== Context ==== 
-=== Subset of === 
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