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n-cube [2014/02/10 22:57]
nikolaj old revision restored (2014/02/08 21:49)
n-cube [2014/03/21 11:11]
Line 1: Line 1:
-===== k-regular graph ===== 
-==== Set ==== 
-| @#88DDEE: $n\in\mathbb N, n\ge 1$ | 
-| @#FFBB00: $ Q_n\equiv\langle V,E \rangle $ | 
-| @#55EE55: $ V=\{0,1\}^n $ | 
-| @#FFFDDD: $ v,w\in V $ | 
-| @#DDDDDD: $ k\in\mathbb N, 1\le k\ne n $ | 
-| @#55EE55: $ \{v,w\}\in E \leftrightarrow \exists! k.\ \pi_k(v)\neq \pi_k(w) $ | 
-==== Discussion ==== 
-The n-cube $Q_n$ is the graph with vertices being n-tuples which are connected exactly if they differ by one coordinate. ​ 
-=== Examples === 
-$V(Q_2)=\{\langle 0,​0\rangle,​\langle 0,​1\rangle,​\langle 1,​0\rangle,​\langle 1,​1\rangle\}$ 
-$E(Q_2)=\{\{\langle 0,​0\rangle,​\langle 0,​1\rangle\},​\{\langle 0,​0\rangle,​\langle 1,​0\rangle\},​\{\langle 0,​1\rangle,​\langle 1,​1\rangle\},​\{\langle 1,​0\rangle,​\langle 1,​1\rangle\}\}$ 
-... that's a square. 
-==== Parents ==== 
-=== Subset of === 
-[[Regular graph]] 
-=== Requirements === 
Link to graph
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