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open_ball [2013/09/08 17:38]
nikolaj created
open_ball [2013/09/08 17:40]
Line 2: Line 2:
 ==== Definition ==== ==== Definition ====
 | @#88DDEE: $\langle d,X\rangle$ ... metric space | | @#88DDEE: $\langle d,X\rangle$ ... metric space |
 +| @#88DDEE: $a\in X$ |
-| @#FFBB00: $B:X\times ​\mathbb R_+^*\to \mathcal P(X)$ | +| @#FFBB00: $B_a:\mathbb R_+^*\to \mathcal P(X)$ | 
-| @#FFBB00: $\langle r,a\rangle \mapsto ​B_a(r):= \{x\ |\ d(x,a)<r \}$ |+| @#FFBB00: $B_a(r):= \{x\ |\ d(x,a)<r \}$ |
 ==== Discussion ==== ==== Discussion ====
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